The Ladies

Picture of Kirsten Sabia

They’re Known For

Marshall’s excursions, coffee, anything Italian, and making teaching her whole personality.

Favorite Memory

Maybe not my favorite but certainly the funniest would be the story of us meeting. Ask her about it some time!

Topics of Conversation

Guinea pigs, teaching, international travel (specifically Italian), Cape Cod. 

Kirsten Sabia

Nora’s College Best Friend

Maid of Honor


They’re Known For

Playing low brass, being more athletic than Nora ever was, and a whole lotta sass (the best kind).

Favorite Memory

A very recent one, surprising her for her 13th birthday at home. That or the various family singalongs conducted over the years.

Topics of Conversation

Marvel, animals (specifically cats or sea creatures), Broadway musicals (specifically Six).

Charlotte Steiger

Nora’s Sister


Picture of Celine Przypek

They’re Known For

Moo court, spontaneous travel and the best smile ever.

Favorite Memory

All of the Taylor swift singalongs and crazy middle school sleepovers. That and taste testing wedding favors together. Two very different seasons of life, but a wonderful friendship that carried through!

Topics of Conversation

Her cats (Rudy and Luna), law school, Taylor swift, and travel.

Celine Przypek

Nora’s Childhood Best Friend



The Gents


They’re Known For

Being a car encyclopedia, greek life, and knowing people wherever he goes.

Favorite Memory

Retrieving the Steiger’s cat off the roof in the middle of the night (3 am) when it got out of Nora’s window.

Topics of Conversation

His cross country road trip, upcoming year abroad in Germany, and The Office.

Maxwell Steiger

Nora’s Brother


Picture of Nicholas Gemma

They’re Known For

All things sports statistics, the only brother who can cook (even a little bit), and a great laugh.

Favorite Memory

Does that time I hit him over the head with a PlayStation controller take away from how fun playing video games together used to be?

Topics of Conversation

Journalism, city life, and literally anything vaguely sports related (especially baseball).

Nicholas Gemma

Rob’s Brother

Best Man


They’re Known For

Being the tallest Gemma and leaving school early to be a nurse because of covid.

Favorite Memory

The fort we used to build in the woods at his house.

Topics of Conversation

Hunting, skiing, and anything else about the great outdoors.

Stephen Gemma

Rob’s Cousin


Picture of Christian Gemma

They’re Known For

Actually practicing his music (saxophone) and playing multiple sports in the same season.

Favorite Memory

Both of us passing out in Florida is one heck of a story.

Topics of Conversation

College/URI advice and European soccer.

Christian Gemma

Rob’s Brother



They’re Known For

Woodworking and metalsmithing, being able to eat even more than Rob can.

Favorite Memory

Christmas Eve and the “spy missions” we used to have between meals. John and I can take down Smelts multiple pounds at a time.

Topics of Conversation

The Coast Guard and life aboard a ship. His time in China sounds like an awesome experience.

John Gemma

Rob’s Cousin
